Finding black spots on the tongue can be worrying, especially if you’re unfamiliar with what causes a black tongue. A black patch on your tongue, or black dot on the tongue is often a mark of a harmless and temporary condition, such as dehydration, but can be an indication of something more serious.
If you’re worried about what may be causing a black mark on your tongue, then this guide is here to help, with all the probable causes and possible solutions to black spots on the tongue.
Causes of a Black Tongue
There are numerous reasons why you may have black spots on your tongue, some of the most common include:
Poor oral hygiene – Not regularly brushing your teeth or maintaining good oral hygiene is the most common cause of black spots on the tongue as bacteria build up in the mouth.
Dry mouth and dehydration – This can lead to the buildup of bacteria and black spots on the tongue.
Drinking a lot of alcohol, coffee or tea – Excessive consumption of alcohol, tea or coffee can also trigger bacteria buildup which causes a black tongue.
Tobacco use – Smoking creates a warmer environment in the mouth for bacteria to thrive, making it one of the biggest causes of black tongue in elderly and young people.
Certain medications – Some medications, like Pepto-Bismol, are linked to tongue discolouration. Generally, this will be temporary and not serious, but check with a doctor if it persists.
Some mouthwashes – Mouthwashes that contain chlorhexidine or peroxide can cause a black tongue in certain individuals. If black spots on the tongue appear after switching to a new mouthwash, check to see if it contains either of these two chemicals and switch mouthwash!
Intravenous drug use – A possible side effect of injecting drugs is black spots on the tongue, you should visit a doctor if this occurs.
Cancer – In rare cases, black spots on the tongue can be a sign of cancer. Dark spots may appear as sores or scabs that do not heal, if this is the case, see a doctor immediately.
Trigeminal neuralgia – If you suffer from Trigeminal neuralgia, then you may be more likely to experience black patches on the tongue.
Compromised immune system – Some autoimmune diseases can increase the likelihood of black spots on the tongue, or diseases which appear similar, such as Leukoplakia.
Radiation therapy – Radiation therapy can cause discolouration all over the body, and the tongue is no exception. This is normal but do let your doctor know if you are experiencing it because of radiotherapy.
What are Black Tongue Symptoms
Not everyone who experiences a black tongue will have symptoms, but there are several symptoms associated with black spots or black discolouration of the tongue. Many people report suffering from bad breath or a change in the way their food tastes. As a result of this, people with black discolouration of the tongue may be more prone to gagging or feeling nauseous. It is also common to feel a ticking sensation in the mouth.
How to Get Rid of Black Tongue
What Are Black Spots on Tongue
Treatment for black spots on the tongue isn’t tricky, a lot of it can be done at home. The simplest way to help get rid of black spots is to maintain good oral hygiene and make scraping or brushing the tongue a key part of your oral hygiene routine. Another easy way is to avoid medications, mouthwashes, or other substances known to cause black spots on the tongue.
Adjusting your diet to reduce your intake of alcohol, coffee, and tea can help, and so can eating more rough foods which helps reduce bacteria buildup by scraping your tongue.
In rare cases, laser surgery is required to treat the condition, but this is only for incredibly persistent black patches on the tongue.
Black Tongue Prevention
There are several easy ways through which you can prevent black spots on the tongue, our recommendations are:
Visit your dentist if you have dry mouth symptoms and see what lifestyle changes, or treatments they recommend.
Look at changing your diet, quitting smoking, or adjusting medications to avoid potential causes of black patches on tongues.
Step up your oral hygiene routine with a powerful electric toothbrush, dental floss, and a tongue scraper to make sure bacteria has no chance to build up in your mouth.
FAQs About Black Tongue
How long can black tongue last?
A black spotted tongue is unlikely to disappear without action, and will most likely last until it is treated, so if you’re experiencing a black tongue, start treating it as soon as possible.
Is black tongue reversible?
In most cases, Black spots on the tongue are reversible. Simply step up your oral hygiene routine or consult your dentist and you will be on your way to reversing the issue.
How can I restore my tongue colour?
There are several ways to restore a tongue to its natural colour. Brush your teeth and tongue regularly, use a tongue scraper, consult a dentist, and make necessary changes to your diet or medication to start the process.
How to get rid of black spots on the tongue naturally?
Black spots on the tongue rarely require a medical procedure, and so most ways to get rid of them are natural and simple. Up your oral hygiene routine and visit your dentist to find natural solutions to black spots on the tongue.
Why does my tongue have spots?
Tongues can develop black spots for several reasons. Smoking, poor dental hygiene, autoimmune conditions and, rarely, cancer, can all cause black spots on the tongue. Consult a doctor or dentist if you are worried about the cause of the spots.